Grainne and her associates are experienced Trainers, Coaches, Facilitators and Mentors with proven track records in training and coaching in the following areas:
Career Direction and Career Progression;
Personal Development and Empowerment;
Developing Leadership Talent and Effectiveness;
Management Development.
“Coaching for Success” was established in 2004 and is a leading training and coaching provider that can help you to identify your ideal career, develop your professional skills and look at ways in which you can gain more job satisfaction and progress in your role.
Coaching for Success also offers a suite of Personal Development and Effectiveness Courses and courses relating to Effective Leadership and Management Development.
“We encourage, inspire and empower individuals to believe in their aspirations, abilities and attributes and to fulfil their potential for success, progression and fulfilment in Life through the provision of innovative training courses and 1-1 coaching.”
Grainne Carrickford-Kingston is Director of Learning and Development. She holds a Masters in Coaching & Mentoring Practice (Oxford-Brookes) and is an accredited Life Coach. She has also received a QQI Award in Training and Development with the Irish Institute of Training & Development and has an ICM accredited Diploma in Leadership Skills.
We have gained an excellent reputation for our Training Courses with both public sector Government bodies, private organizations and individuals from all walks of life. Our training courses have been written and designed by professionals with extensive years of experience and expertise.

Our Values are:
To empower individuals to develop their talents and abilities and to fulfil their potential;
To impart expertise, skills and over 20+ years of experience;
To encourage individuals to align with their values and to be their true self;
To be dedicated to standards of excellence and best practice;
To advocate integrity and ethics in all that we do.
Our approach is learner-centred and our courses are engaging and participative with a psychological perspective. We provide an enriching and rewarding learning experience.
We want people to have satisfying and rewarding careers and to live their lives with more confidence and a sense of fulfilment.
Our courses initiate action and learning. Learning is central to the realisation of potential and action is important for change, improvement and/or transformation to occur.
We abide by the Association for Coaching’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice.
Professional Associations:
Fellow Member(s) of the Irish Institute of Training and Development
Grainne is a founding Member of the Coaching Psychology Group in Dublin
Registered on the British Psychological Society Register for Psychometric Test Use
Organizational Member of the prestigious Association for Coaching
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