Do you have a Life Plan?
It is fair to say that for many people, more time is spent planning their staycation or vacation than in creating or designing a “Life Plan” for themselves.
It is very important to have goals in life as goals provide us with a direction to move towards. They help us to focus on what we truly desire or want out of life. Setting goals makes us look at and prioritise what is truly important to us. The role of goal-setting needs to be given centre stage as goals provide us with a sense of purpose, focus, clarity and direction.
Do you feel in control of your life?
The pandemic has caused many of us to feel huge anxiety and uncertainty. In order to “stay standing” (so to speak) to feel some sense of normality, we need to set goals in the areas of our lives we have control over.
Each person’s journey in life is unique – setting goals can be likened to being equipped with a map for the journey. Goal-setting is a powerful technique.
And so …. when we achieve our Goals – what happens then?
Achieving Goals will build our level of self-esteem and confidence which in turn will help us to feel more in control of our lives.
Our horizons will expand and we will start to unlock our potential…..
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